Creating a Liquidity Pool

Anyone can provide liquidity on apex. You can choose whether you want to buy or sell NFTs across a range of prices, or do both to earn trading fees.

To create a pool, start by navigating to the Your Pools tab at the top-right of the page. Click on "+ New Position" and follow the instructions below depending on the type of pool you want to create.

Buy NFTs with ETH

  1. Click on the pool type and select ETH Pool:

  1. Click on the receive drop-down box and select the NFT collection you want to buy. If you don't see the collection you want to buy, paste the contract address into the search bar, and then select the collection.

  2. Enter the start price you want to pay, choose the type of delta, and enter your chosen delta curve. If you are only buying one item, choose either type of delta and enter any delta curve:

  3. Click "Check"

    2. Confirm the details of your pool are correct, click "Confirm", and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Sell NFTs for ETH

  1. Click on the pool type and select NFTs Pool:

1. Click on the receive drop-down box and select the NFT collection you want to sell. If you don't see the collection you want to sell, paste the contract address into the search bar, and then select the collection.

2. Enter the start price you want to pay, choose the type of delta, and enter your chosen delta curve. If you are only selling one item, choose either type of delta and enter any delta curve:

3. Confirm the details of your pool are correct and select the NFTs you want to deposit:

  1. Click "Approve" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  2. Click "Confirm" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Trade NFTs for ETH(Buy and Sell)

  1. Click on the pool type and select ETH/NFTs Pool

  1. Click on the second drop-down box and select the NFT collection you want to deposit.

  2. Enter the percentage fee you want to take on every trade that uses your pool.

  3. Enter the start price for the pool, choose the type of delta, and enter your chosen curve:

  4. Confirm the details of your pool are correct and select the NFTs you want to deposit.

  5. Click "Approve" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

  6. Click "Confirm" and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

Last updated